Allentown Fair Queen Contest

The Great Allentown Fair is currently accepting entry forms for the Great Allentown Fair Queen contest. The Allentown Fair Queen contest is for females between the ages of 16 and 20 years who are residents of Lehigh, Northampton or Berks counties. Each year the Fair Queen winner serves as a community spokesperson for The Great Allentown Fair agriculture and tourism for the coming year. A $1,500.00 Scholarship will be awarded to the winner. $250.00 for First Alternate and $250.00 Community Service Award, William Albert Best Speech Award.

Competition Structure

The phases of competition to be held on OPENING NIGHT, Wednesday, August 27, 2025 include:

Personal Interview and Judge’s Luncheon - (Each contestant will have a private 15-minute interview with the judging panel utilizing biographical information and other questions pertaining to the Fair and agricultural industry. Contestants will be judged on their conversational ability, answers to questions, appearance/poise, activities and knowledge of the fair industry.

Evening Gown/Introduction - This segment is conducted on stage, in front of an audience and judging panel. Each contestant makes a personal introduction to the audience, similar to that which a Fair Queen would give when visiting a fair or other public event. The contestant has approximately 30 seconds to make this introduction. Judging criteria will include content, stage presence and appearance.

Speech Presentation - Each contestant will present an onstage speech on the topic “Why You Should Come to The Great Allentown Fair.” The speech must be 3-5 minutes in length and will be timed. This should be a persuasive speech suitable for an adult audience. Contestants will be judged on the effectiveness of their public speaking skills, not on “entertainment.” Overhead projectors or Powerpoint presentations are not permitted. Contestants will be judged on their speech content (to include agriculture), speech format, ability to convey a message, public speaking ability and poise/presence.

Impromptu Question - Each contestant will be required to answer the same impromptu question in front of the judges and audience.


Contest Rules

Each Fair Queen contestant must:

  1. Be a biological female who is a U.S. citizen and a resident of Lehigh, Northampton or Berks counties in the state of Pennsylvania.
  2. Be at least age 16, but no older than 20 years of age as of June 1 of the year entering the local contest.
  3. Have not been a local Fair Queen winner, nor a former State Queen contestant.
  4. Not hold any other title for any other commodity, group or pageant.
  5. Have her parent(s) or guardian(s) consent to enter competition.
  6. Be single, never married, have not been pregnant nor given birth to a child.
  7. Act in accordance with the PA Fair Queen “Behavior Policy.”
  8. Meet all time commitments, Queen obligations and “Dress Code” as set forth by the PA Fair Queen Program.

Fair Queen Obligations

  1. The winner will reign for one year.
  2. She must be available to attend various functions during the 2025 Great Allentown Fair deemed necessary by The Great Allentown Fair officials.
  3. She must attend and participate in other civic activities and functions throughout her reign as deemed necessary by The Great Allentown Fair officials.
  4. The Allentown Fair Queen must attend and participate in the PA State Fair Queen Contest to be held in Hershey, PA in January 2026, at the expense of the Allentown Fair Association. (The Fair Association will supply a chaperone if needed.)
  5. She must attend the crowning of the 2026 Allentown Fair Queen.

Dates to Remember

Application Due – Saturday, July 15, 2025
Completed Contest application forms are due to The Great Allentown Fair office by July 15, 2025.  Please use this link generated by Google Forms.  2025 FAIR QUEEN APPLICATION


Informational Meeting – Saturday, July 19, 2025 at 4 p.m. - Mandatory Attendance
An informational gathering session. Along with a general discussion and question & answer session, topics discussed will include responsibilities of the Allentown Fair Queen and contest agenda. A PROMOTIONAL PHOTOGRAPH will be taken (please dress appropriately, a casual dress or sundress). A parent or guardian is requested to attend with the contestant. The meeting will be held at the Fair Office located behind the Ritz Barbecue next to the Grandstand (Farmers Market) 302 N. 17th Street Allentown, PA 18104

Community Service – Saturday, August 9, 2025, 10:00 a.m.

REHEARSAL: TUESDAY – August 26, 2025 at 4:30 p.m. at the Astound Broadband Farmerama Stage on the Fairgrounds.

Contest – Opening Night - Wednesday August 27, 2025 at 7:30 p.m. (Evening portion, Contestants arrive at 12:00 p.m. for Interviews and Judges Luncheon)

The Fair Queen Contest will be held at the Astound Broadband Farmerama Theatre after Opening Ceremonies at the Fair. Interviews will be conducted at 1:30 p.m. and a judge’s reception will follow. The Contest will start at 7:30 p.m. and is open to the public. Rehearsal will be on Tuesday, August 26, 2025 at 4:30 pm and is mandatory.

Contest Entry Instructions

To enter The Great Allentown Fair Queen contest, please use this link. 2025 FAIR QUEEN APPLICATION. Once completed the form is uploaded to our committee.  You should receive a confirmation email that it has been uploaded.  If you have additional questions, please call Cheryl Urmy, Fair Queen Coordinator at 610-248-6678 or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Thank you to our scholarship sponsors: Lehigh-Northampton Pomona Grange #68 and the Allentown Fairgrounds Farmers Market.

Congratulations to the 2025
Great Allentown Fair Queen Zoie Jones

2022 Fair Queen Winner Alli

If you would like Kamryn to visit your school or organization to speak about agriculture and our community please contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or

Questions and More Information:

Cheryl Urmy
Fair Queen Coordinator
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Please use this link generated by Google Forms.  2025 FAIR QUEEN APPLICATION

Email Applications to:

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Send Applications via mail to:

Cheryl Urmy,
Allentown Fair Queen Contest,
302 N. 17th St., Allentown, PA 18104
610-433-7541 (Fair Office)

Social Media

 Allentown Fairgrounds

302 N 17th St. Allentown PA. 18104


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The Great Allentown Fair

August 28 – September 2, 2024

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